You will have many different encounters dating people and you might choose to forget most of them if you’re out to find casual sex in the traditional way. It isn’t easy to meet people, despite what some people say, and the best way to have positive encounters dating is to date someone who is after the same thing as you.
This is achieved by looking in the right place of course, and these places are usually adult dating websites. Now you are likely to get two different types of people on these sites and I don’t mean the male female demographics. Here you’re likely to get people who want encounters dating individuals who seek casual (no strings) sex, and then those people who want positive encounters dating people who seek a longer term relationship.
So the best advice someone could give you in order to have a positive dating encounter is to know what you’re looking for and go get it. If you find people who want the opposite of what you’re after you are going to become quickly disillusioned with the whole dating experience. Encounters dating individuals who are seeking the same thing are always positive, and nearly always lead to a repeat meeting; whether that’s for casual sex or something more longer lasting.
What to look out for.
There are a few things to look out for when seeking encounters dating, and some of them should be taken very seriously indeed:
• Look out for those who don’t want to meet in a public place. If you can’t meet in a public place don’t bother; it’s as simple as that really. There are plenty of people out there looking for adult dating and you can always try someone else, it doesn’t matter what their profile says!
• Be aware that profiles may not be completely accurate. You’ve probably done this yourself anyway, and there is no need to be embarrassed about it, people generally want to make themselves appear as attractive as possible. The advantage of meeting somewhere public is that you can get a good look at your potential date before you actually meet them. If they look like Frankenstein’s monster on a bad day then you’re probably going to want to leave; there are no amount of bags over heads that can prepare you for some people!
• Look out for the missing wedding ring. This is alright if you don’t mind knocking off someone who is married, but if you have a moral problem with this then it’s always good to look at the left hand and see if they have removed their ring; it’s usually quite clear with a white band or some form of identifying mark that would suggest something has been there.
Overall if you want positive encounters dating other adults of a like mind then you need to be a positive person. Whilst you need to be careful and a little wary at times, if you come across as too paranoid or nervous you may put them off. Have fun with it and remember that this is what you decided to do; many people drop out at the very last minute and rob themselves of an experience that can be truly beautiful.